Associate Professor
PhD in Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
Associate Professor, School of Physics and Material Sciences, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bhadson Road, Patiala-147004, Punjab
Areas of Interest:
photovoltaics, thin film growth, flexible and dynamic electronics
Dr. Mohanty is a researcher in condensed matter physics and specializes in thin film technology related to invisible and wearable electronics, photovoltaics and sensors. He has more than 45 publications in international journals to his credit. Dr. Mohanty completed his Masters in Science (MSc) in Physics from Ravenshaw College, Cuttack and PhD from Department of Physics, IIT Madras, India. Subsequently, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow for two years and then as a research professor for another two years at Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea under a fellowship (BK21) from the Government of South Korea. Since 2012, he has been working at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (TIET). He is a passionate teacher and has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate students at TIET. Besides his teaching, he leads a team of young scholars for their PhD and master’s dissertation.
Publications and other Research Outputs
I. Gupta and B. C. Mohanty, Dynamics of surface evolution in semiconductor thin films grown from a chemical bath, Scientific Reports 6, 33136 (2016).
I. J. Choi, J. W. Jang, B. C. Mohanty, S. M. Lee, and Y. S. Cho, Improved Photovoltaic Characteristics and Grain Boundary Potentials of CuIn0.7Ga0.3Se2 Thin Films Spin-Coated by Na-Dissolved Nontoxic Precursor Solution, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 17011–17015 (2016).
D.H. Yeon*, B.C. Mohanty*, S. M. Lee, and Y.S. Cho, Effect of band-aligned double absorber layers on photovoltaic characteristics of chemical bath deposited PbS/CdS thin film solar cells, Scientific Reports, 5, 14353 (2015) (*equal contribution).
Y. H. Jo, J. W. Jang, B. C. Mohanty, H. B. Kang, and Y. S. Cho, Improved photovoltaic and grain boundary characteristics of single elementary target-sputtered Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films by post sulfurization/selenization process, J. Phys D 48 (2015) 245103.
S.M. Lee, D.H. Yeon, B.C. Mohanty, and Y.S. Cho, Tensile Stress-Dependent Fracture Behavior and Its Influences on Photovoltaic Characteristics in Flexible PbS/CdS Thin-Film Solar Cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7(2015) 4573.
Y. H. Jo, B. C. Mohanty, D. H. Yeon, S. M. Lee and Y. S. Cho, Single Elementary Target-Sputtered Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Film Solar Cells, Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells 132 (2015) 136.
B. C. Mohanty, D. H. Yeon, J. H. Yun, K. H. Yoon and Y. S. Cho, RF power dependence of refractive index of room temperature sputtered ZnO:Al thin films, Appl. Phys. A 115 (2014) 347.
J. S. Kim*, B. C. Mohanty*, C. S. Han, S. J. Han, G. H. Ha, L. Lin, Y. S. Cho, In situ magnetic field-assisted low temperature atmospheric growth of GaN nanowires via the vapor- liquid-solid mechanism, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6 (2014) 116. (*equal contribution).
C. S. Han, B. C. Mohanty*, H. R. Choi and Y. S. Cho*, Surface Scaling Evolution and Dielectric Properties of Sputter-Deposited Low Loss Mg2SiO4 Thin Films, Surf. Coating Technol 231 (2013) 229. ). (*Corresponding author).
S. M. Lee, B. C. Mohanty, Y. H. Jo, D. H. Yeon and Y. S. Cho, Phase development, microstructure and optical properties of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films modified with Pb and Ti, Surf. Coating Technol. 231 (2013) 389.
B. C. Mohanty, D. H. Yeon, S. N. Das, J. H. Kwak, K. H. Yoon, and Y. S. Cho, Unusual near-band-edge photoluminescence at room temperature in heavily-doped ZnO:Al thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition, Mater. Chem. Phys. 140 (2013) 610.
O.H. Kwon, B.C. Mohanty, D.H. Yeon, J.S. Yeo, I.H. Cho, K.H. Lee and Y.S. Cho, "Effective Laser Sealing Enabled by Glass Thick Films Containing Carbon Black/Carbon Nanotube," J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 96 (2013) 1113.
C. S. Han, B. C. Mohanty, C. Y. Kang, Y. S. Cho, Sputter-deposited low loss Mg2SiO4 thin films for multilayer hybrids, Thin Solid Films 527 (2013) 250.
B. C. Mohanty, B. K. Kim, D. H. Yeon, Y. H. Jo, I. J. Choi, S. M. Lee and Y. S. Cho, Structural and Raman scattering properties of ZnO:Al thin films sputter-deposited at room temperature, J. Electrochem. Soc.159 (2012) H96.
B. C. Mohanty, J. W. Lee, D. H. Yeon, Y. H. Jo and Y. S. Cho, Dopant induced variations in microstructure and optical properties of CeO2 nanoparticles, Mater. Res. Bulletin. 46 (2011) 875.
B. C. Mohanty, H. R. Choi and Y. S. Cho, Fluctuations in global surface scaling behavior in sputter deposited ZnO thin films, EPL (Europhysics Lett.) 96 (2011) 26003.
B. C. Mohanty, D. H. Yeon, B. K. Kim, and Y. S. Cho, Spatial variation in structural, morphological and optical properties of aluminum-doped ZnO thin films grown by 30ï‚°- incident radio frequency magnetron sputtering, J. Electrochem. Soc. 158 (2011) P30.
B. C. Mohanty, H. R. Choi, Y. M. Choi and Y. S. Cho, Thickness-dependent fracture behavior of flexible ZnO:Al thin films, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44 (2011) 025401.
S. M. Lee, Y. H. Jo, H. E. Kim, B. C. Mohanty and Y. S. Cho, Barium Neodymium Titanium Borate Glass-Based High k Dielectrics, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 95 (2012) 1356.
Y. H. Jo, S. H. N. Doo, J. S. Lee, B. C. Mohanty, Y. S. Cho, Effect of Zn and Ca modifications on crystallization and microwave dielectric properties of lanthanum borates, J. Alloys Compd. 509 (2011) 849.
B. C. Mohanty, H. R. Choi and Y. S. Cho, Scaling of Surface Roughness in Sputter-Deposited ZnO:Al Thin Films, J. Appl. Phys. 106 (2009) 054908.
B. C. Mohanty, Y. H. Jo, D. H. Yeon, I. J. Choi,and Y. S. Cho, Stress-induced anomalous shift of optical band gap in ZnO:Al thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 (2009) 062103.
Y. H. Jo, B. C. Mohanty and Y. S. Cho, Enhanced Electrical Properties of Pulsed Laser-Deposited CuIn0.7Ga0.3Se2 Thin Films viaProcessing Control, Solar Energy 84 (2010) 2213.
H. R. Choi, B. C. Mohanty, J. S. Kim and Y. S. Cho, AlN passivation layer-mediated improvement in tensile failure of flexible ZnO:Al thin films, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface. 2 (2010) 2471.
D. H. Yeon, B. C. Mohanty, Y. H. Jo and Y. S. Cho, Preparation and Electrical Properties of CuInSe2 Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition Using Excess Se Targets, J. Mater. Res. 25 (2010) 1936.
Y. H. Jo, B. C. Mohanty, and Y. S. Cho, Crystallization and surface segregation in CuIn0.7Ga0.3Se2 thin films on Cu foils grown by pulsed laser deposition, Appl. Surf. Sci.256 (2010) 6819.
S. H. N. Doo, Y. H. Jo, J. S. Lee, B. C. Mohanty, K. C. Sekhar, D. K. Min, K. W. Chung and Y. S. Cho, Enhanced Quality Factor of Zinc Lanthanum Borates-Based Dielectrics via the Control of ZnO/B2O3 Ratio, J. Am. Ceramic Soc. 93 (2010) 334.
M. R. Ananthan, B. C. Mohanty and S. Kasiviswanathan, Micro-Raman spectroscopy studies of bulk and thin films of CuInTe2, Semiconductor Sci. Technol. 24 (2009) 075019.
Y. H. Jo, B. C. Mohanty and Y. S. Cho, Structural and Electrical Characteristics of ZnO Thin Films on Polycrystalline AlN Substrates, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.92 (2009) 665-670.
W. B. Lim, D.W. Shin, B. C. Mohanty, Y. J. Park, and Y. S. Cho, Chemical durability of anorthite-based low temperature co-fired ceramics, J. Ceramic Soc. Jpn, 117 (2009) 1138.
B. C. Mohanty, P. Malar, T. Osipowicz, B. S. Murty, S. Varma and S. Kasiviswanathan, Characterization of silver selenide thin films grown on Cr-covered Si substrates, Surf. Interface Anal., 41 (2009) 170.
B. C. Mohanty, A. K. Tyagi, A. K. Balamurugan, S. Varma and S. Kasiviswanathan, SIMS study of effect of Cr adhesion layer on the thermal stability of silver selenide thin films on Si, Nucl. Instrum, Meth. B, 266 (2008) 1480.
Y. H. Jo, D. H. Yeon, B. C. Mohanty, and Y. S. Cho, Gadolinium Zinc Borate Glass-Based Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics, Metals Mater. Int., 14 (2008) 493.
B. C. Mohanty and S. Kasiviswanathan, Thermal stability of silver selenide thin films on silicon formed from the solid state reaction of Ag and Se films, Thin Solid Films, 515 (2006) 2059.
B. C. Mohanty, B.S. Murty, V. Vijayan and S. Kasiviswanathan, Atomic force microscopy study of thermal stability of silver selenide thin films grown on silicon, Appl. Surf. Sci., 252 (2006) 7975.
B. C. Mohanty and S. Kasiviswanathan, Transmission Electron Microscopy and Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry Study of Ag2Te Films Formed from Ag-Te Thin Film Couples, Cryst. Res. Technol., 41 (2006) 59.
P. Malar, B. C. Mohanty and S. Kasiviswanathan, Characterization of interface between CuInSe2 and In2O3, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 66 (2005) 1928.
P. Malar, B. C. Mohanty and S. Kasiviswanathan, Growth and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry study of direct current sputtered indium oxide films, Thin Solid Films, 488 (2005) 26.
P. Malar, B. C. Mohanty, A.K. Balamurugan, S. Rajagopalan, A.K. Tyagi and S. Kasiviswanathan, Growth and SIMS study of d.c.-sputtered indium oxide films on silicon, Surf. Interface Anal., 37 (2005) 281.
B. C. Mohanty and S. Kasiviswanathan, Two-prism setup for surface plasmon resonance studies, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76 (2005) 033103.
Indu Gupta and B. C. Mohanty,* Scaling of surface roughness in CdS thin films deposited by ammonia free chemical bath deposition, International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials 2015, Nov. 17-22, 2015, Jeju Korea.
Indu Gupta and B. C. Mohanty*,Bath Temperature dependent properties of ammonia-free chemical bath deposited CdS Thin Films, Oral presentation at International Conference on Recent Advances In Nano Science And Technology - 2015, July 8-10, 2015, Chennai.
B. C. Mohanty*, D. H. Yeon, I. J. Choi and Y. S. Cho, Influence of RF power on Urbach energy tails and refractive index of room temperature deposited Al-doped ZnO thin films, Oral presentation at Meeting of Korean Ceramic Society, Oct. 24-25, 2011, Gwangju, Korea.
B. C. Mohanty*, B. K. Kim, D. H. Yeon, I. J. Choi, Y. H. Jo, S. M. Lee and Y. S. Cho, RF Power Dependent Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of ZnO:Al Thin Films Grown at Room Temperature, Oral presentation at International meeting on Information Display (IMID) 2011, Oct. 11-15, 2011, INTEX, Korea.
B. C. Mohanty*, H. R. Choi, Y. M. Choi and Y. S. Cho, Influence of thickness on tensile failure of ZnO:Al thin films on flexible polymer substrates, Oral presentation at International Conference on Electronic Materials & Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE)-2010, Nov. 21-24, 2010, Jeju, Korea.
B. C. Mohanty*, D. H. Yeon, B. K. Kim and Y. S. Cho, RF power dependent structure, morphology and electrical properties of room temperature deposited ZnO:Al thin films, Oral presentation at International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS-ICEM) 2010, Aug. 22-27, 2010, KINTEX, Korea.
B. C. Mohanty*, Y. H. Jo, D. H. Yeon, I. J. Choi and Y. S. Cho, Substrate temperature dependent preferred orientation of pulsed laser deposited ZnO:Al thin films, Oral presentation at International conference on electroceramics (ICE), 2009, Dec. 13-17, 2009, New Delhi, India.
B. C. Mohanty*, Y. H. Jo, D. H. Yeon, I. J. Choi and Y. S. Cho, Effect of RF power and spatial variation of properties of ZnO:Al thin films grown by 30ï‚°- incident RF magnetron sputtering for solar cell applications, Oral presentation at 19thInternational Photovoltaic Science & Engineering Conference & Exhibition (PVSEC), Nov. 9-13, 2009, Jeju, Korea.
B. C. Mohanty*, Y. H. Jo, D. H. Yeon, I. J. Choi and Y. S. Cho, Lateral distribution of structural, electrical and optical properties of RF-magnetron sputter-deposited ZnO:Al thin films, Oral presentation at International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators (IWPMA 2009)/International Symposium on Electroceramics (ISE 2009), Nov. 9-13, 2009, Jeju, Korea.
Y. H. Jo, D. H. Yeon, B. C. Mohanty, I. J. Choi and Y. S. Cho, Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films on Cu foils by pulsed laser deposition, Presented at Fall 2008 meeting of the Korean Ceramic Society (Awarded Best Poster award).
B. C. Mohanty*, A. K. Tyagi, A. K. Balamurugan, S. Varma and S. Kasiviswanathan, SIMS study of effect of Cr adhesion layer on the thermal stability of silver selenide thin films on Si, Presented at 18th international conference on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA), Sept. 23-28, 2007, Hyderabad, India.
B. C. Mohanty*, V. Damodara Das and S. Kasiviswanathan, Characterization of Silver-Tellurium stacks, Paper presented at “National conference on Emerging Areas in Applied Physics”, 21st-23rd Feb, 2004, ISM Dhanbad, India.
B. C. Mohanty* and S. Kasiviswanathan, Surface Plasmon Resonance Studies in Silver-Tellurium Stacks, Proceedings of DAE-SSPS 2004, 26th -30th Dec, 2004, Amritsar, India, page: 504.
* self as presenting author
Awards and Honours
Indian national scholarship for performance in High school examination.
Research scholarship to pursue higher studies and research after qualifying “Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE-2001)” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology held in February 2001.
“Senior Research Fellowship” by ‘Council of Scientific and Industrial Research’, Govt. of India.
Best poster award, Korean Ceramic Soc. “Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films on Cu foils by pulsed laser deposition, Fall 2008 meeting.
Postdoctoral fellowship, Ministry of Education, Government of Korea (BK 21 scheme). Subsequently promoted to “Research Professor” for excellence in research and Lab mentoring.