Honorary Dean and Distinguished Professor
1997, Postgraduate Management course: Process Management in Universities, SIOO.
1996, Postgraduate Management course: Management Communication Skills, RUG.
1990, University of Groningen, PhD Degree, Economics. Thesis: Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Individual Behaviour. The Implications of Real and Nominal Inertia,
1983, University of Groningen, doctoral degree General Economics (distinction: Cum Laude).
Areas of Interest:
Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Global Economics and Management.
Hans van Ees obtained his PhD in economics in 1990. Between 1997-2010, he was appointed Professor of Economic Theory and Economic Education at the Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen and from 2010 – 2021Professor of Corporate governance and institutions, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen. Currently he is associated with the Faculty of Economics and Business as professor emeritus.
In his research Hans van Ees studies the complexities of corporate governance and the interdependency between corporate governance and higher order institutions in a multi country perspective. He publishes research and supervises PhD projects on corporate governance institutions, theory of business groups, board of directors, sustainable corporate performance and (international) strategy. Hans van Ees has been associate editor of Corporate governance: an international review, has been on the editorial board of Journal of International Business Studies and on the editorial board of European Management Review and has been a member of ethics committee of the Academy of Management. He has been fellow of the research institute Systems, Organization and Management (SOM), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen. He is academic fellow of the European Academy of Management. He has been director of the corporate Governance Insights Centre, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen until 2014, fellow of the Institute of Governance and Organizational Responsibility (iGOr) and member of the SOM signature area, board effectiveness. He was Vice President European Academy of Management, EIASM, Brussels and between 2018-2020 he was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, Groningen
Hans van Ees has been visiting professor at Boston University, USA, and visiting professor at LUISS University, Rome and has regularly been involved in consultancy and research for private and public organizations and the Dutch government on the principles of good governance.
Hans van Ees has been engaged in university administration and the management of academic education in several positions. He has been a member of the Exam board of the Faculty of Economics, served as director of education of the Faculty of Economics between 1997 -2001, programme director MSc International and Economics and Business, 2008-2011 and chair of the department Global Economics and Management from 2011 – 2013. Between April 2013 – February 2020 he served as founding Dean of the University College Groningen, University of Groningen. He has been a member of NVAO- and AACSB accreditation committees for the MSc programs in Economics in the Netherlands.
Extended Curriculum vitae
Academic and professional positions
1978-1980, University of Groningen, Department of Economics, Research Assistant.
August 1981-August 1983, Municipal Secondary School Doetinchem, Teacher of Economics.
August 1983-August 1984, Isala College, Silvolde, Teacher of Economics
August 1984-February 1988, The Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Research (NWO), Den Haag, Research Associate.
February 1988-September 1991, University of Groningen, Department of Economics, Assistant Professor
September 1991-March 1996, University of Groningen, Department of Economics, Associate Professor.
February 1992-June 1992, Boston University, Department of Economics, Visiting Professor.
August 1997- 2010, Professor of Economic Theory and Economic Education.
August 2010 – December 2021 Professor Corporate governance and institutions
September 2008 – 2014 Director Corporate Governance Insights Centre, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen
May 2010 -2013, Vice President European Academy of Management (EURAM) Brussels
April 2013- September 2017 Founding Dean University College Groningen, University of Groningen (first term)
September 2017- February 2020 Dean University College Groningen (second term)
March 2019 –April 2019, LUISS University, Department of Business and Management, Visiting Professor.
March 2020, LUISS University, Department of Business and Management, Visiting Professor
March 2021, LUISS University, Department of Business and Management, Visiting Professor
December 2021 – Professor Emeritus, University of Groningen
February 2022, LUISS University, Department of Business and Management, Visiting Professor
Spring 2022- Academic Dean School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Thapar Institute of Technology and Engineering, India
Spring 2022- Honorary professor Behavioral Corporate Governance, School of Management, Thapar Institute of Technology and Engineering, India
Fellowships and affiliations
Fellow Research School Systems, Organization and Management (SOM).
Academic Fellow European Academy of Management
Former Member UCDN (University College Deans Network Netherlands)
Former Member Ethics committee, the Academy of Management
Administration Faculty Economics And Business, University of Groningen
March 1996-August 1997, University of Groningen, Department of Economics, Director of first and second year undergraduate program.
September 1997 – August 2000, Managing Director of undergraduate programs, Faculty of Economics
March 2006 – August 2007 Programme Director BSc and MSc International Economics and Business, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen
August 2007 –September 2010 Programme Director undergraduate programs in Economics and International Economics and Business, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen
Spring 2011 – April 2013, Chair, Department of Global Economics and Management
Additional positions in Administration
1982-1983, Gemeentelijke Scholengemeenschap Doetinchem: secretary of the council of personnel (secretaris personeelsraad).
1990-1997, Department of Economics, Subdepartment of General Economics, Groningen: chair of the executive committee of the Training of Teacher of General Economics (voorzitter bestuur Universitaire Lerarenopleiding Algemene Economie).
November 1990-February 1992, Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming, Den Haag: member of the steering committee "Het Nationaal Economie-debat" .
September 1993-December 1995, Department of Economics, Subdepartment of General Economics, Groningen: member of the executive committee (Lid dagelijks bestuur Vakgroep Algemene Economie (September 1995- December 1995, Secretaris van de Vakgroep).
June 1995-1997, Inter-University Committee for the Training of Teachers in Economics (ICLEV), member of the committee.
September 1998-August 2002, Member of the board of the Management Program, People, Organisations and Change (Mens, Organisatie, in Beweging (MOB)).
September 2005- September 2006. Member of the Supervisory Board of the University Sports Centre, University of Groningen
Spring 2012 Member National Accreditation Committees Economics and Business Economics Programs of the Utrecht School of Economics and the Department of Economics Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Spring 2018 Member National Accreditation Committee Economics and Business Economics Programs the Department of Economics Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Spring 2018 Member AACSB l Accreditation Committee Economics and Business Economics Programs the Department of Economics Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2018-2020 Member Supervisory Board Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Garretsen, H., & van Ees, H. (1988). Hysteresis en Werkloosheid. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 73(3665), 672-677.
Sterken, E., van Ees, H., & Kuper, G. (1993). Over investeringen en winsten. In S. Brakman, H. Garretsen, & S. K. Kuipers (Eds.), Met Jan Pen in debat (pp. 69-85). Amsterdam University Press.
Sterken, E., Kuipers, S., van Ees, H., Garretsen, H., Kuper, G., & Wester, E. (1994). Evenwicht, conjunctuur en groei: Moderne macro-economische theorievorming. Boom Lemma.
vanEes, H., & Garretsen, H. (1995). Existence and stability of conventions and institutions in a monetary economy. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 28(2), 275-288.
van Ees, H., & Garretsen, H. (1996). Investment and debt constraints. (E29 ed.) Groningen: University of Groningen, SOM research school.
van Ees, H., Kuper, G. H., & Sterken, E. (1996). Profits, Investment and Business Fluctuations. Metroeconomica, 1, 19 - 33.
van Ees, H., & Garretsen, H. (1996). The Natural Rate Moves! Economist Netherlands, 1, 1 - 15.
VanEes, H., & Garretsen, H. (1996). The natural rate moves! A review essay of Edmund Phelps' Structural Slumps.
Economist-Netherlands, 144(1), 23-44.
van Ees, H., de Haan, L., Sterken, E., & Garretsen, H. (1997). Investeringen en kredietbeperking. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 71(11), 557- 567. [1367].
Kuipers, S. K., & van Ees, H. (1997). Money and stability. Some preliminary thoughts on the functioning of a monetary economy. In H. Klenner (Ed.), Repraesentatio Mundi (pp. 369 - 378). Koeln: Dinter Verlag.
vanEes, H., Kuper, GH., & Sterken, E. (1997). Investment, finance and the business cycle: Evidence from the Dutch manufacturing sector. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 21(3), 395-407.
Postma, T. J. B. M., van Ees, H., Sterken, E., & Garretsen, H. (1998). Kenmerken van topmanagementteams en raden van commissarissen in relatie tot 'performance'. Bedrijfskunde, 4, 15 - 21.
Brakman, S., van Ees, H., & Kuipers, S. K. (1998). Market behaviour and macroeconomic modelling. London: MacMillan.
van Ees, H. (1998). Monetary policy in the Netherlands: a structural VARX approach. (32 ed.) Groningen: Centrum voor Conjunctuur- en Structuuronderzoek.
Chirinko, B., van Ees, H., & Garretsen, H. (1999). Firm performance, financial institutions and corporate governance in the Netherlands. (210 ed.) Groningen: University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Postma, T. J. B. M., van Ees, H., & Garretsen, H. (1999). Top management team and board attributes and firm performance in the Netherlands. (E20 ed.) Groningen: University of Groningen, SOM research school.
van Ees, H., Sterken, E., & Garretsen, H. (1999). Some evidence on the relevance of bank behaviour for the lending channel in the Netherlands. Economist-Netherlands, 147(1), 19-37.
Hokwerda, O., Hacquebord, H. I., Koolhaas, J. M., & van Ees, H. (2000). Een duwtje in de rug. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Postma, T. J. B. M., & van Ees, H. (2000). On the functions of supervisory boards in the Netherlands. s.n.
Postma, T. J. B. M., & van Ees, H. (2000). On the functions of supervisory boards in the Netherlands. (E50 ed.) Groningen: University of Groningen, SOM research school.
Postma, T. J. B. M., Ees, H. V., & Sterken, E. (2001). Board composition and firm performance in the Netherlands. s.n.
ostma, T. J. B. M., van Ees, H., & Sterken, E. (2001). Board composition and firm performance in the Netherlands. (E01 ed.) Groningen: University of Groningen, SOM research school.
van Ees, H., & Sterken, E. (2001). Money and trust. In E. Wester, G. H. Kuper, & E. Sterken (Eds.), Coordination and growth: essays in honour of Simon K. Kuipers (pp. 147 - 161). Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
van Ees, H., Postma, T. J. B. M., & de Boer, E. J. (2002). Corporate governance en ondernemingsprestaties. Bedrijfskunde, 74(2), 21 - 30.
Chirinko, B., van Ees, H., Sterken, E., & Garretsen, H. (2003). Investor protection and concentrated ownership: Assessing corporate control mechanisms in the Netherlands. (864 ed.) Munich: CESifo.
Ees, H. V., & Bachmann, R. (2003). Transition economics and trust building: a network perspective on E.U. enlargement. s.n.
van Ees, H., & Bachmann, R. G. (2003). Transition economies and trust building. (G06 ed.) Groningen: University of Groningen, SOM research school.
van Ees, H., Postma, T. J. B. M., & Sterken, E. (2003). Board characteristics and corporate performance in the Netherlands. Eastern Economic Journal, 29(1), 41-58.
Postma, T., & van Ees, H. (2004). De illusie van onafhankelijkheid: over het effectief functioneren van de Raad van Commissarissen en de relevantie van de code Tabaksblat. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 78(9), 404-411.
Chirinko, B., van Ees, H., Sterken, E., & Garretsen, H. (2004). Investor protection and concentrated ownership: assessing corporate control mechanisms in the Netherlands. German Economic Review, 5(2), 119-138.
Akkermans, D. H. M., van Ees, H., Hermes, C. L. M., Hooghiemstra, R. B. H., van der Laan, G., Postma, T. J. B. M., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2005). Corporate governance in Nederland I: Bezoldiging bestuurders en commissarissen. Den Haag: Ministerie van Economische Zaken.
Akkermans, D. H. M., van Ees, H., Hermes, C. L. M., Hooghiemstra, R. B. H., van der Laan, G., Postma, T. J. B. M., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2005). Corporate governance in Nederland II: Een onderzoek naar de stand van zaken in het boekjaar 2004, alsmede naar de verklaring van verschillen tussen beursgenoteerde vennootschappen. Den Haag: Ministerie van Economische Zaken.
van Ees, H., & Postma, T. J. B. M. (2005). Dutch boards and governance: A comparative institutional analysis of board and member (s)election procedures. International Studies of Management and Organization, 34(2), 90 - 112.
van Ees, H. (2005). Stakeholder democracy as a katalyst to coporate value creation? Industrielle beziehungen. The German Journal of Industrial Relations, 12(3), 323 - 339.
van Ees, H., & Bachmann, R. G. (2005). The drivers and synamics of network performance. A theoretical approach to understanding transition economies. In H. H. Höhmann, & F. Welter (Eds.), Trust and entrepreneurship: A west-east perspective (pp. 99 - 114). London: Edward Elgar Publishing Postma, T. J. B. M., & van Ees, H. (2005). Topinkomens zullen in de toekomst verder stijgen. Goed Bestuur & Toezicht, tijdschrift over governance, 1(3), 25 - 29.
Postma, T. J. B. M., & van Ees, H. (2006). Corporate governance and innovation: A conceptual approach. In K. H. Chai, C. C. Hang, & M. Xie (Eds.), Proceedings 2006 IEEE international conference on management of innovation and technology (pp. 29- 32). Singapore: IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
Akkermans, D. H. M., van Ees, H., Hermes, C. L. M., Hooghiemstra, R. B. H., van der Laan, G., Postma, T. J. B. M., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2006). Corporate governance in Nederland: Een onderzoek naar de stand van zaken in het boekjaar 2005. Den Haag: Ministerie van Economische Zaken.
Akkermans, D., van Ees, H., Hermes, N., Hooghiemstra, R., van der Laan, G., Postma, T., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2006). De code Tabaksblat: Eén jaar verder. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 80(5), 219-231.
Postma, T. J. B. M., & van Ees, H. (2006). De proliferatie van codes voor corporate governance: Codes als licence to operate. Goed Bestuur & Toezicht, tijdschrift over governance, 1(2), 10 - 14.
van Ees, H., & Bachmann, R. (2006). Transition economies and trust building: a network perspective on EU enlargement.Cambridge Journal of Economics, 30(6), 923-939.
van der Laan, G., van Ees, H., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2007). Adherence to societal nrms: The case of the Dutch corporate governance code. In B. Wempe, & J. M. Logsdon (Eds.), International Association of Business and SOciety 2007 Proceedings (pp. 363 - 367)
van der Laan, G., van Ees, H., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2007). Compliance with corporate governance codes in the Netherlands: A compliance theory and empirical test. In International Association for Business and Society Best Paper Proceedings
Akkermans, D. H. M., van Ees, H., Hermes, C. L. M., Hooghiemstra, R. B. H., van der Laan, G., & Postma, T. J. B. M. (2007). Corporate governance in Nederland: 2006: Een onderzoek naar de stand van zaken in het boekjaar 2006 en de ontwikkelingen ten opzichte van het boekjaar 2005. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
van der Laan, G., Willenborg, G. B. W., van Ees, H., & Huse, S. M. (2007). Similarity, trust, and disagreement: A reassessment of calls for independent boards of directors. In A. Zattoni, M. Huse, & T. Sellevoll (Eds.), Boards and governance 2007: Best paper proceedings from the EURAM boards and governance track in Paris 2007 (pp. 74 - 89). Paris.
van Ees, H., Goodijk, R., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2007). Verliest de medezeggenschap de aansluiting? Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
van Ees, H., Hermes, C. L. M., Hooghiemstra, R. B. H., & Postma, T. J. B. M. (2007). Zijn beursgenoteerde ondernemingen "in control"? Goed Bestuur & Toezicht, tijdschrift over governance, 3(3), 14 - 21.
Akkermans, D., van Ees, H., Hermes, N., Hooghiemstra, R., van der Laan, G., Postma, T., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2007). Corporate governance in the Netherlands: an overview of the application of the Tabaksblat Code in 2004. Corporate Governance - An International Review, 15(6), 1106-1118. 2008
Akkermans, D., van Ees, H., Hermes, N., Hooghiemstra, R., van der Laan, G., & Postma, T. (2008). Corporate governance in Nederland: Een onderzoek naar de stand van zaken in het boekjaar 2007 en de ontwikkelingen ten opzichte van het boekjaar 2006. The Hague: Ministerie van Economische Zaken.
van Ees, H., von Eije, J. H., & Hooghiemstra, R. B. H. (2008). Dividendbeleid en inkoop eigen aandelen, theorie en de praktijk in Nederland. Schiphol: Eumedion.
van Ees, H., van der Laan, G., & Postma, T. J. B. M. (2008). Effective board behaviour in the Netherlands. European Management Journal, 26, 84 - 93.
Postma, T. J. B. M., van Ees, H., & Hermes, C. L. M. (2008). Interne en externe beheersing en een belanghebbende perspectief op corporate governance. In S. Peij (Ed.), Handboek corporate governance (pp. 173 - 197). Deventer: Kluwer.
van Ees, H., von Eije, H., & Hooghiemstra, R. (2008). Publieke uitingen over dividendbeleid en inkoop van eigen aandelen. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 82(11), 485-493.
van Ees, H., van der Laan, G., & Postma, T. J. B. M. (2008). Trust and board task performance. In M. Huse (Ed.), The value creating board: Corporate governance and organizational behaviour (pp. 471 - 482). London: Routledge.
van Ees, H., van der Laan, G., & Postma, T. J. B. M. (2008). Zwaardere rol commissaris: Toezicht op belang van onderneming op langere termijn. Tijdschrift Fusie & Overname, 12, 26 - 29.
van der Laan, G., van Ees, H., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2008). Corporate social and financial performance: An extended stakeholder theory, and empirical test with accounting measures. Journal of Business Ethics, 79(3), 299-310.
Akkermans, D. H. M., van Ees, H., Hermes, C. L. M., Hooghiemstra, R. B. H., van der Laan, G., & Postma, T. J. B. M. (2009). Codes of good corporate governance in The Netherlands: A ten year perspective. In F. J. Lopez Iturriaga (Ed.), Codes of good governance around the world (pp. 215 - 233). Lancaster.
Yu, H., van Ees, H., & Lensink, B. W. (2009). Does group affiliation improve firm performance? The case of Chinese State-owned firms. Journal of Development Studies, 45(10), 1615-1632. [917051793].
Akkermans, D., van Ees, H., Hermes, N., Hooghiemstra, R., van der Laan, G., & Postma, T. (2009). Een analyse van de uitleg voor afwijkingen van best practice bepalingen van de Nederlandse corporate governance code over boekjaar 2008. The Hague: Ministerie van Economische Zaken.
van Beurden, P., van Ees, H., & Goodijk, R. (2009). Gebruik, niet-gebruik en onderbenutting van OR-bevoegdheden. (416 ed.) Den Haag: Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid.
van Ees, H., Gabrielsson, J., Huse, M., & Gabrielson, J. (2009). Toward a Behavioral Theory of Boards and Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance: - An International Review, 17(3), 307-319. 8683.2009.00741.x
van Balen, H., Brand, M., van Ees, H., van der Laan, G., & Postma, T. (2010). Board behavior in Dutch SMEs: Exploring the effects of role intensity and cohesion. In EURAM 2010 Rome van Balen, H., Brand, M., van Ees, H., van der Laan, G., & Postma, T. (2010). Board behavior of SMEs in the Northern part of the Netherlands. In Norefjell Workshop 2020, Norway.
Akkermans, D., van Ees, H., Hermes, N., & Hooghiemstra, R. (2010). Corporate Governance in Nederland: Een onderzoek naar de wijze van naleving en toepassing van de principes en best practice bepalingen van de code 2008 door Nederlandse beursgenoteerde vennootschappen in het boekjaar 2009 evenals de redengeving voor eventuele afwijkingen. The Hague: Ministerie van Economische Zaken.
Haxhi, I., & van Ees, H. (2010). Explaining diversity in the worldwide diffusion of codes of good governance. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(4), 710-726.
van der Laan, G., van Ees, H., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2010). Is pay related to performance in The Netherlands? An analysis of Dutch executive compensation, 2002-2006. Economist-Netherlands, 158(2), 123-149.
van Ees, H., & Hooghiemstra, R. B. H. (2011). Compliance en non-compliance met de Nederlandse corporate governance code. In M. Lückerath-Rovers, B. Bier, M. Kaptein, & L. Paape (Eds.), Jaarboek Corporate Governance Alphen a/d Rijn: Wolters Kluwer.
Akkermans, D., van Ees, H., & Hooghiemstra, R. (2011). Corporate Governance in Nederland. Een onderzoek naar de wijze van naleving en toepassing van de principes en best practice bepalingen van de code 2008 door Nederlandse beursgenoteerde vennootschappen in het boekjaar 2010 evenals de redengeving voor eventuele afwijkingen: Rapportage van de belangrijkste bevindingen. Den Haag: Ministerie van Economische Zaken.
van Ees, H., Hermes, C. L. M., & Postma, T. J. B. M. (2011). H8: Interne en externe beheersing en een belanghebbendenperspectief op corporate governance. In S. Peij (Ed.), Handboek corporate governance (pp. 221 - 249). (4e druk). Deventer: Kluwer.
de Jong, G., Phan, T. B., van Ees, H., & Phan, T. T. (2011). Does the meta environment determine firm performance? Theory and evidence from European multinational enterprises. International Business Review, 20(4), 454-465.
Hooghiemstra, R., & van Ees, H. (2011). Uniformity as response to soft law: Evidence from compliance and non- compliance with the Dutch corporate governance code. Regulation & Governance, 5(4), 480-498.
van Ees, H., & Marra, T. (2012). Corporate governance and initial public offerings in the Netherlands. In Judge (Ed.), Corporate governance and initial public offering (pp. 306 - 330). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
van Ees, H., Luckerath-Rovers, M., Bier, B., & Kaptein, M. (Eds.) (2012). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2012-2013. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
van Ees, H., & van der Laan, G. (2012). On board effectiveness. In T. Clarke (Ed.), Handbook of corporate governance, pp. 183 - 196. London: SAGE Publications Inc..
van Ees, H., de Jong, G., & Phan, T. A. (2012). The Impact of Personal Relationships on Bribery Incidence. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012(1).
Zattoni, A., & Van Ees, H. (2012). How to Contribute to the Development of a Global Understanding of Corporate Governance? Reflections from Submitted and Published Articles in CGIR. Corporate Governance - An International Review, 20(1), 106-118.
de Jong, G., Tu, P. A., & van Ees, H. (2012). Which Entrepreneurs Bribe and What Do They Get From It? Exploratory Evidence From Vietnam. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 36(2), 323-345. 6520.2010.00400.x
Beugelsdijk, S., Brakman, S., Garretsen, J. H., & van Ees, H. (2013). Firms in the international economy: Firm heterogeneity meets international business. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Dikova, D., Smeets, R. A., Garretsen, J. H., & van Ees, H. (2013). Immediate response to financial crises: A focus on US MNE subsidiaries. International Business Review, 22(1), 202 - 215.
van Ees, H., Luckerath-Rovers, M., Bier, B., & Kaptein, M. (Eds.) (2013). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2013-2014. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
Haxhi, I., van Ees, H., & Sorge, A. (2013). A Political Perspective on Business Elites and Institutional Embeddedness in the UK Code-Issuing Process. Corporate Governance - An International Review, 21(6), 535-546.
de Jong, G., & van Ees, H. (2014). Firms and corruption. European management review, 11(3-4), 187-190.
Luckerath-Rovers, M., Bier, B., van Ees, H., & Kaptein, M. (2014). Jaarboek corporate governance: Editie 2014-2015. Amsterdam: Wolters Kluwer.
Gabrielson, J., Calabro, A., van Ees, H., Minichilli, A., & Zattoni, A. (2014). Pioneering research on actual board behaviour. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 9(2), 115-120.
van Veen, K., Postma, T., Hermes, C., & van Ees, H. (2015). Corporate governance vanuit economisch perspectief: interne en externe beheersingsmechanismen. In S. Peij (Ed.), Handboek corporate governance (5e druk ed., pp. 283- 306). Deventer: Vakmedianet.
van Ees, H., & Postma, T. (2015). Een heroverweging van bestuur in de zorg. In H. den Uijl, & T. van Zonneveld (Eds.), Zorg voor Toezicht: De maatschappelijke betekenis van governance in de zorg (pp. 46-55). [hdfst. 4] Amsterdam: Mediawerf.
Luckerath-Rovers, M., Bier, B., van Ees, H., & Kaptein, M. (Eds.) (2015). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2015-2016. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
Fan, J., van Ees, H., & de Jong, G. (2015). The effect of networks on international attention in SMEs: theory and evidence from the Netherland. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1).
de Jong, G., Tu, P. A., & van Ees, H. (2015). The Impact of Personal Relationships on Bribery Incidence in Transition Economies. European management review, 12(1), 7- 21.
van Ees, H., van den Ham, K., Postma, T. J. B. M., & Verschoor, K. (2015). Who cares about public interests? A case- based analysis of the role of boards in Dutch semipublic organizations. In L. Gnan, A. Hinna, & F. Monteduro (Eds.), Contingency, behavioural and evolutionary perspectives on public and non-profit governance studies in public and non- profit governance (pp. 85-110). (Studies in public and non profit governance; Vol. 4). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Adams, R. B., de Haan, J., Terjesen, S., & van Ees, H. (2015). Board Diversity: Moving the Field Forward. Corporate Governance - An International Review, 23(2), 77-82.
Judge, W. Q., Witt, M. A., Zattoni, A., Talaulicar, T., Chen, J. J., Lewellyn, K., ... van Ees, H. (2015). Corporate governance and IPO underpricing in a cross-national sample: a multi-level knowledge-based view. Strategic Management Journal, 36(8), 1174-1185.
Sterken, E., van Ees, H., Galema, J., & Smit, F. (2016). Dromen over Groningen 2050: Vriendenboek Max van den Berg. Groningen: University of Groningen.
Fan, J., Ees, van, H., & de Jong, G. (2016). Goal-directed and stimulus-driven processes of international attention: Evidence from SME exporter. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1).
Luckerath-Rovers, M., Bier, B., van Ees, H., & Kaptein, M. (Eds.) (2016). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2016-2017. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
Fan, J., van Ees, H., & de Jong, G. (2016). Managerial attention and export performance: A comparison between mMNEs and pure SME exporters. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1).
van den Ham, K., Verschoor, K., Postma, T., & van Ees, H. (2016). Toezicht en belanghebbendengovernance: borging van publiek belang. In M. Rovers Lückerath, B. Bier, H. van Ees, & M. Kaptein (Eds.), Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2016-2017 (pp. 159-170). [H.11] Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
Six, F. E., & van Ees, H. (2017). When the going gets though: exploring processes of trust building and repair in regulatory relations. In F. Six, & K. Verhoest (Eds.), Trust in Regulatory Regimes (pp. 60-79). [3] Edward Elgar Publishing.
Zattoni, A., Witt, M. A., Judge, W. Q., Talaulicar, T., Chen, J. J., Lewellyn, K., ... van Ees, H. (2017). Does board independence influence financial performance in IPO firms? The moderating role of the national business system. Journal of World Business, 52(5), 628-639.
Bier, B., van Ees, H., Kaptein, M., & Luckerath-Rovers, M. (2017). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2017-2018. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
Veltrop, D. B., Molleman, E., Hooghiemstra, R. B. H., & van Ees, H. (2017). Who's the Boss at the Top? A Micro-Level Analysis of Director Expertise, Status and Conformity Within Boards. Journal of Management Studies, 54(7), 1079-1110.
van Ees, H., van Veen, K., Postma, T., & Hermes, C. (2018). Corporate Governance vanuit een economisch perspectief: interne en externe beheersingsmechanismen. In S. C. Peij (Ed.), Handboek Corporate Governance (6 ed., pp. 283-306). Vakmedianet.
Veltrop, D., Molleman, H., Hooghiemstra, R., & van Ees, H. (2018). The relationship between tenure and outside director task involvement: A social identity perspective. Journal of Management, 44(2), 445-469.
Rao Sahib, P., van der Laan, G., & van Ees, H. (2018). The Tide that lifts all boats? Acquisitions and CEO-TMT pay disparity in the Netherlands. Management Decision, 56(9), 2038-2059.
van Ees, H., Luckerath-Rovers, M., Bier, B., & Kaptein, M. (2018). Jaarboek Corporate governance 2018-2019. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
Fan, J., de Jong, G., & van Ees, H. (Accepted/In press). Behavioral strategy and international attention: Theory and evidence from Dutch small and medium sized enterprises. In T. K. Das (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and Behavioral Strategy (Research in Behavioral Strategy). Information Age Publishing.
Luckerath-Rovers, M., Ees, van, H., Kaptein, M., & Wuisman, I. S. (Eds.) (2019). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2019/2020. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
Bood, R., Ees, van, H., & Postma, T. (2019). De rol van interne toezicht bij strategische verandering en zekerheid. In M. Lückerath-Rovers, H. van Ees, M. Kaptein, & I. Wuisman (Eds.), Jaarboek corporate governance 2019/2020 (pp. 105- 117). Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
Oehmichen, J., & Ees, van, H. (2019). Over de digitale expertise van de Nederlandse RVC. In M. Lückerath-Rovers, H. van Ees, M. Kaptein, & I. Wuisman (Eds.), Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2019/2020 (pp. 91-103). Wolters Kluwer.
Luckerath-Rovers, M., Ees, van, H., Kaptein, M., & Wuisman, I. S. (Eds.) (2020). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2020/2021. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
van Ees, H. and van Veen, K, in Luckerath-Rovers, M., Ees, van, H., Kaptein, M., & Wuisman, I. S. (Eds.) (2020). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2020/2021. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 163-175
Zattoni, A., Leventis, S, van Ees, H. and Dedoulis, E., 2020. Corporate Governance and Institutions - A Review and Research Agenda. Corporate Governance - An International Review, 28 6, p465-487. DOI: 10.1111/corg.12347
Luckerath-Rovers, M., Ees, van, H., Kaptein, M., & Wuisman, I. S. (Eds.) (2021). Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2021/2022. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
Bood, R. Ees, van, H. & T.J.B.M. Postma, The role of the board in corporate purpose and strategy, Cambridge Elements, Cambridge Univerisity Press (forthcoming)
Additional Books and book chapters
Van Ees, H., E. Sterken and D. Wansink, "Gevolgen van financiële innovatie in Nederland" (The Implications of Financial Innovations in the Netherlands), in De Haan, J. and L. H. Hoogduin, De gevolgen van financiële innovatie en integratie voor het monetaire beleid, NIBE, Amsterdam, 1989, 60-93.
Van Ees, H., J. de Haan and D. Wansink, "Financiële integratie: de gevolgen voor het Nederlandse financiële systeem" (Financial Integration: The Implications of the Dutch Financial System) in De Haan, J. and L. H. Hoogduin, De gevolgen van financiële innovatie en integratie voor het monetaire beleid, NIBE, Amsterdam, 1989, 94-118.
Van Ees, H., Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Individual Behaviour. The Implications of Real and Nominal Inertia, PhD thesis, Groningen, 1990, Avebury, Gower Publishing Company, Aldershot, 1991.
Kuipers, S.K. and H. van Ees, "Macro-economische theorie en economische politiek" (Macroeconomic Theory and Policy), in L. van der Geest (red.), Economische Theorie: de stand van zaken, Academic Service, Schoonhoven, 1990, 11-46.
Van Ees, H., "Comment On Burdett", in J.C. v. Ours, G.A. Pfann en G. Ridder (eds.), Labour Demand and Equilibrium Wage Formation, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1993, 324-326.
Van Ees, H., G.H. Kuper and E Sterken, "Over winsten en investeringen" (On Profits and Investments), in S. Brakman, H. Garretsen and S.K. Kuipers, Met Jan Pen in Debat, Thesis Publishers, Amsterdam, 1993, 69-85.
Van Ees, H., H. Garretsen, G.H. Kuper, S.K. Kuipers, E. Sterken and E. Wester, Evenwicht, Conjunctuur en Groei. Moderne Macro-Economische Theorievorming (Equilibrium, Cycles and Growth. Modern Macroeconomic Theory), Lemma, Utrecht, 1994
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, "An Annotated Bibliography of Post Walrasian Economics," in D. Colander (ed.), Beyond Micro Foundations: Post Walrasian Economics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996.
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, "Endogenizing the Natural Rate of Unemployment: Phelps' Structural Slumps and the Post Walrasian Framework," in D. Colander (ed.), Beyond Micro Foundations: Post Walrasian Economics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996
Van Ees, H and Colander, D., "Post Walrasian Macroeconomic Policy," in D. Colander (ed.), Beyond Micro Foundations: Post Walrasian Economics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996
Van Ees, H., Brakman, S. and S.K. Kuipers (eds.), Market Behaviour and Macroeconomic Modeling, MacMillan/St. Martin's Press, London/New York, 1997.
Van Ees, H., Kuipers, S.K. and S.G. van der Lecq, "Money and Stability. Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Functioning of a Monetary Economy," in H. Klenner, D.Lusordo, J.Lensink and J.Bartels (eds.), Reprasentatio mundi: Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Hans Heinz Holz, 1997, 369-378.
Van Ees, H., H.Garretsen, J.M. Groeneveld, Haas, Anatomie van financiële crises (Anatomy of Financial Crises), Academic Service, 1999.
Van Ees, H. and E. Sterken, ‘Money and Trust,’ in G.H. Kuper, E.Sterken and E. Wester, Coordination and Growth: Essays in Honour of Simon K.Kuipers, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, 147- 162.
Van Ees, H., G.van.der.Laan,T.J.B.M.Postma. Trust in the Boardroom, in M.Huse (Ed.), The value creating board, Routledge, 2008
Van Ees, H en Engesaeth, E. Bestuurdebeloning: Naast markconform ook maatschappijconform. In Luckerath et al Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2012/2013 73- 89
National peer reviewed articles
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, "Hysteresis en werkloosheid" (Hysteresis and Unemployment), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1988, 672-677.
Kuipers, S.K. and H. van Ees, "Macro-economische theorie en economische politiek" (Macroeconomic Theory and Policy), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1990, 32-43.
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, "Sparen, investeren en de vermogensmarkt" (Saving, Investment and Financial Markets), Tijdschrift Politieke Ekonomie, 1991, 80-90.
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, "De welvaartsparadox van fusies en overnames: een aanvulling" (The Welfare Consequences of Mergers and Acquisitions), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1991.
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, "De kristallen bol der economen", (The Cristal Ball of Economists), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1991.
Van Ees, H., H. Garretsen and H. Nijkamp, "De macro-economische aspecten van fusies en overnames in Europa" (The Macroeconomic Implications of Mergers and Acquisitions in Europe), Maandschrift Economie, 2, 1992, 118- 130.
Van Ees, H., "Over het belang van de macro-economische theorie in het economie onderwijs" (On the Relevance of Macroeconomic Theory in Teaching Economics), Tijdschrift voor het economisch onderwijs, 5, 1992, 99- 102.
Van Ees, H., H. Garretsen and E. Langeveld, "Het belang van liquiditeitsfluctuaties voor bedrijfsinvesteringen in Nederland" (The Relevance of Fluctuations in Liquidity for Investment Behaviour in the Netherlands), Tijdschrift Politieke Economie, 3, 1993, 73-87.
Van Ees, H. en J. Kakes, "Monetair beleid in een IS/LM-model met bankkrediet (Monetary Policy in an IS/LM-model with Bank Loans)" Tijdschrift voor het economisch onderwijs, 4, 1995, 3, 102-107.
Van Ees, H., H.Garretsen, L de Haan and E. Sterken, "Investeringen en kredietbeperking (Investments and Credit Constraints)," Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 1998, 557-567.
Van Ees H, Postma, Th, H. Garretsen and E.Sterken, "Kenmerken van topmanagement teams en raden van commissarissen in relatie tot Performance (Characteristics of Top Management Teams and Supervisory Boards with regard to Performance)," Bedrijfskunde, 1998, 15-21.
Van Ees, H.Garretsen, J.M. Groeneveld, and Haas, Financiële Fragiliteit en Crises (Financial Fragility and Crises), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1999, 184-187 (also published in Jaarboek van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Staatshuishoudkunde, 1999).
Van Ees, H., Th.J.B.M. Postma and Boer, ‘Corporate Governance en Ondernemingsprestaties (Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance),’ Bedrijfskunde, 2002, 2 21-30.
Van Ees, H., Th.J.B.M. Postma, ‘De illusie van onafhankelijkheid: Over het effectief functioneren van de Raad van Commissarissen en de relevantie van de code-Tabaksblat?,’ Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, September, 2004.
Research reports
Van Ees, H. and A. van Witteloostuijn, "On the Status of General Equilibrium Theory," Research Memorandum no. 213, Institute of Economic Research, Groningen, 1987.
Van Ees, H. and A. van Witteloostuijn, "The Coordination of Economic Activities: A Reflection on the Keys and Concepts," Research Memorandum no. RM 87-023, Maastricht, 1987.
Van Ees, H., "On the Possibility of a Keynesian Unemployment-Equilibrium in a Short-Run Macroeconomic Model with Endogenous Commodity Price Setting," Research Memorandum no 220, Institute of Economic Research, Groningen, 1987.
Kuipers, S.K. and H. van Ees, "Over de ontwikkelingen binnen de macro economie na de tweede wereldoorlog en haar consequenties voor de economische politiek" (On the Developments in Macroeconomic Theory and the Consequences for Economic Policy), Research Memorandum no 326, Institute of Economic Research, Groningen, 1989.
Van Ees, H., "Unemployment Equilibria, Efficiency Wages and Kinked Demand Curves. The Scope for Economic Policy," Research Memorandum no 327, Institute of Economic Research, Groningen, 1989.
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, "The Right Answer to the Wrong Question? An Assessment of the Microfoundations Debate," Research Memorandum no 333, Institute of Economic Research, Groningen, 1989.
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, "The European Merger Wave and 1992: Self Fulfilling and Self-Defeating Prophecies?," Research Memorandum no 371, Institute of Economic Research, Groningen, 1990.
Van Ees, H., "Does Money Affect Money Prices," Research Memorandum no 406, Institute of Economic Research, Groningen, 1991.
Van Ees, H. and E. Sterken, "The Scope for Independent Monetary Policy," Research Memorandum no 490, Institute of Economic Research, Groningen, 1992.
Van Ees, H., H. Garretsen and E. Langeveld, "Does Liquidity matter for Business Investment? Some Evidence for The Netherlands," Research Memorandum no 498, Institute of Economic Research, Groningen, 1992.
Van Ees, H., H. Garretsen and E. Sterken, "On the Scope for Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Fixed Exchange Rates and Capital Market Imperfections," SOM Research Report 94435, 1994 (Also published by de Nederlandsche Bank, MEB series 6).
Van Ees, H. and S.H. van den Heuvel, "Investments, Aggregate Shocks and Imperfect Financial Markets," SOM Research Report 94441, 1994.
Van Ees, H., G.H. Kuper and E. Sterken, "Liquidity, Investment and Business Cycles: Evidence from the Ductch Manufacturing Sector," CCSO Series 23, 1995.
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, "The Natural Rate Moves!,? MOB-Series No. 1995-16, De Nederlandsche Bank, 1995 (also published in De Economist, 1996)
Van Ees, H., Postma, Th, H. Garretsen and E.Sterken, "Top Management Team and Board Attributes and Firm Performance in the Netherlands, SOM Research Report 99E20, 1999.
Van Ees, H., Chirinko, R.S., H. Garretsen and E.Sterken, ‘Firm Performance, Financial Institutions and Corporate Governance in the Netherlands,’ CES IFO Working Paper No. 210, 1999, November.
Postma, Th.J.B.M. and H. van Ees, ‘On the Functions of Supervisory Boards in the Netherlands, Som Research Report 00E50, 2000.
Van Ees, H., Postma, Th. J.B.M., and E.Sterken, ‘Board Composition and Firm Performance in the Nertherlands,’ SOM Research Report 01E01, 2001.
Van Ees, H. and R. Bachmann, ‘Transition Economies and Trust Building,’ Som Research Report 03G06, 2003.
Van Ees, H., Chirinko, R.S., H. Garretsen and E.Sterken, ‘Investor Protection and Concentrated Ownership: Assessing Corporate Control Mechaninsms in the Netherlands,’ CES-IFO Working Paper No. 864, 2003, February.
Van Ees, H. and Hooghiemstra, R.B.H., Non-Compliance with corporate governance codes. An institutional perspective, EURAM Best Paper Nominations Paper and Proceedings, Lubjlana, 2008.
Other Publications
Van Ees, H., book review of T. Negishi, Economic Theories in a Non Walrasian Tradition: Historical Perspectives on Modern Economics, in De Economist, 135, 2, 1987, 247-248.
Van Ees, H., book review of J. Frank, The New Keynesian Economics, Unemployment, Search and Contracting, in De Economist, 136, 3, 1988, 520- 521.
Van Ees, H., book review of R. W. Cooper, Wage and Employment Patterns in Labor Contracts: Microfoundations and Macroeconomic Implications, in De Economist, 137, 4, 1989, 407-408.
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, book review of J. A. Ribbers, Onvrijwillige Werkloosheid. Een analyse van de oorzaken en gevolgen van de Patinkin controverse, in Economisch Statistische Berichten, 3741, 1990, 70-72
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, book review of C. van Ewijk, On the Dynamics of Growth and Debt. A post-Keynesian Analysis, in Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 12, 1990.
Van Ees, H., book review of C.N. Teulings, Conjunctuur en kwalificatie, in NRC Handelsblad, 2 mei 1990.
Van Ees, H., book review of T. Kollintzas (red.), The Rational Expectations Equilibrium Inventory Model, in De Economist, 139, 2, 1991.
Van Ees, H., book review of A.F. Daughety, Cournot Oligopoly: Characterization and Applications, in De Economist, 139, 2, 1991.
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, book review of J.J. Graafland, Persistent Unemployment, Wages and Hysteresis, in Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1991.
Van Ees, H., book review of Cristopher Bliss and Jorge Braga De Macedo (eds.), Unity with Diversity in the European Economy: The Community's Southern Frontier, in De Economist, 2, 1992, 273-275
Van Ees, H., book review of Heinz Konig (ed.), Economics of Wage Determination, in De Economist, 2, 1992, 279-281.
Van Ees, H., book review of M.F. Scott, A New View on Economic Growth, in De Economist, 4, 1993,
Van Ees, H., book review of E.F.M. Wubben, Markets, Uncertainty and Decision-Making, Staatscourant, 227, 25 november 1993.
Van Ees, H., book review of L.Pasinetti, Structural Economic Dynamics in De Economist, 2, 1995,
Van Ees, H. and H. Garretsen, Van Micro naar Macro (From Micro to Macro), included in The Dutch Ecomy II, Intermediate Course in Economics, Open University, Heerlen, 1995.
Jepma, C.J., S. Brakman, H.van Ees and E. Kamphuis, On the Effectiveness of Foreign Aid, review article for The Dutch Ministry of Development Affairs, 1995.
Van Ees, H., Groei, Inkomensverdeling en Instituties,? Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1995, 635.
Van Ees, H., Kredietrantsoenering van starters,? Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1995, 961.
Van Ees, H, Leren, Ondernemen en Ondernemend Leren (Learning, Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Learning), Inaugurele rede, 2000.
E.van Dam, A. Heertje, R. Schöndorff, C. v. Ewijk, W. Groot, H. Verbon, F. den Butter, H.van Ees, Bespreking VWO- eindexamen economie 1,2, Tijdschrift voor het economisch onderwijs, 2003 ,2004 (ook gepubliceerd op kennisnet).
Postma, T.J.B.M., & Ees, H. van (2005). De remuneratie van topmanagers en de codes voor corporate governance. Goed Bestuur, tijdschrift over governance.
Postma, T.J.B.M., & Ees, H. van (2006). De proliferatie van codes voor corporate governance: Codes als licence to operate. Goed Bestuur, tijdschrift over governance, 1(2), 10-14.
Editorial and reviewing activities
Associate Editor Corporate Governance: An International Review
Member Editorial Review Board, Journal of International Business Studies
Member of the Editorial Board, European Management Review
Reviewer Journal of Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Eastern Economic Journal, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Journal of Management and Governance, British Journal of Management, Organization Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal Management Studies, International Journal of Management Reviews, among others
Principles of macroeconomics, microeconomics, corporate finance. Intermediate macroeconomics, microeconomics, corporate finance. Strategic management. International Business strategy. Business research methods. Thesis supervision
Advanced Macroeconomics. Advanced International Business, Corporate Governance, Corporate Strategy, Comparative institutional analysis,. Thesis supervision
Average rating student teaching evaluations: A (top 20%)
Teaching Awards
1993 Faculty of Economics Teacher of the Year Award, University of Groningen
1999 Faculty of Economics Teacher of the Year Award, University of Groningen
Ph.D. students
Fieke Vander Lecq (1999), Jan Kakes (2001), Gerwin Van der Laan (January 2009), Jasper Hotho (October, 2009), Ilir Haxhi (April 2010), Yuan Hu (June , 2010), Dennis Veltrop (Spring, 2012), Tu Phan (Fall 2012), Cathrine Yingdan Cai (2014), Jiasi Fan (2016).
Post graduate Teaching
2002 Lecturer in Courses in the Executive Program of Academische Opleidingen Groningen.
2004 Lecturer in Corporate Governance Courses in the Executive Program of The Norwegian School of Management, BI, Oslo, Norway.
2008- Lecturer Corporate Governance, Control and Entrepreneurship, MBA, Executive Program FHR Lim a Po Institute of Social Studies, Paramaribo, Surinam.
2009- Thesis supervisor Enterprise Risk management, Corporate Governance, Control and Entrepreneurship, Executive MBA Program FHR Lim a Po Institute of Social Studies, Paramaribo, Surinam.
2015 - Lecturer Business Strategy for Operational Growth, MBA, Executive Program FHR Lim a Po Institute of Social Studies, Paramaribo, Surinam (in cooperation with Maastricht School of Management).
2010- Lecturer Behavioral Corporate Governance EAISM, Brussels, Belgium.
Contract research activities
2005 - 2011Contract research for the Dutch Monitoring Committee Corporate Governance Code on the compliance to the Dutch Corporate Governance Code of Dutch corporations
2006 - Contract research for the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs, Industrial democracy and new organizational forms in a global economy.
2007 - Contract research for the Dutch Monitoring Committee Corporate Governance Code on pay for performance and remuneration policies of Dutch listed companies
2007 - Contract research for the Dutch Monitoring Committee Corporate Governance Code on the diversity of Supervisory Boards of Dutch listed companies
2008 - Contract research for the Dutch Monitoring Committee Corporate Governance Code on the compliance to the Dutch Corporate Governance Code of Dutch corporations of Dutch listed companies
2009 - Contract research for the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs, Industrial democracy and the effectiveness of Worker Councils.
Additional consultancy for several private and public organizations.
Dutch Fluent
English Fluent
German Good
French Fair